What to Expect When Your Vivint Alarm is Triggered

How Do Alarm Systems Work?   The sound of an alarm can be scary. You may have alarms installed for several situations—fire, burglary, and flooding—but that certainly doesn’t mean you ever want to have to use them. To help minimize the stress and confusion that can accompany an alarm going off, we’ll walk you through


5 Ways Smart Homes Save You Money

Save Money with Home Automation

  How a Security System Can Keep Your Wallet as Safe as Your Home There are tons of benefits to smart homes and home security systems. Peace of mind, increased convenience, and automation, to name a few. But did you know all these seemingly expensive conveniences can also save you money? Despite the upfront cost


Babyproof Your Home with Smart Home Technology

Babyproof Your Home

Vivint Smart Home Makes Monitoring and Protecting Children Easy   Keeping your family safe is a priority. Long before you bring your children home from the hospital, you look for ways to babyproof your home and make it a safe place for your kids. Vivint makes monitoring and protecting your children easy, thanks to a