Are you a part of the 75% of American homeowners who lock their doors when they’re away? When it comes to protecting their homes, American homeowners have different reasons why they do or don’t prioritize home security.
According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, from 2020 – 2021 there were roughly 1 million burglaries, with 62% occurring at a residence. Homeowners between the ages of 30-39 experienced 21% of those burglaries. This data sparks a conversation on the importance of home security. While turning the lock on the door is a quick and easy way to protect your home, how many homeowners actually take that precaution? Our team at Vivint Source took a look at the percentage of homeowners from each state that regularly lock their doors. Here’s what we found.
Did you know that 75% of Americans don’t lock their doors while running an errand? How about that 77% of Americans don’t lock their door when they’re home? According to our survey, only 33% of Americans are very concerned that someone might break into their home. Let’s take a deeper look at American homeowner habits and why they do or don’t lock their doors.
Interesting findings
- 33% of our respondents live in a suburb.
- 75% of our respondents said they always lock their doors when they aren’t home because they consider home security extremely important.
- 80% of the participants said home privacy is very important to them and they don’t like strangers in their space or around their things.
- 61% of the respondents lock their door just before bed.
- 63% of the participants have children at home.
- 49% of the participants have one child at home and 57% of parents have always secured their home despite having a child at home.
- 25% of the of parents said they’re more concerned about home security since having a child.
We surveyed 2,000 American homeowners (40 per state) to gather information about their habits when locking their doors, how concerned they are about someone breaking in, and what items they keep at home that they worry the most about being stolen when they leave.
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